We believe puppies sleep better than anyone.
We believe in under-promising and over-delivering.
We believe in checklists.
We believe you should be running your business, not your website updates.
We believe in colonizing other planets.
We believe in communicating – quickly, clearly, and often.
We believe in asking questions and challenging assumptions.
We believe your web team should look out for your best interests,
especially when you don’t know any better.
We believe in unicorns.
We believe in knowing our customers personally, as human beings.
We believe in answering the phone and having a conversation.
We believe in saying “Hell yes!” or “No thank you.”
We believe in having fun outside.
We believe in entrepreneurship.
We believe in ongoing, iterative improvement.
We believe you can build your boat while you’re sailing it.
We believe in Firefly, Joss Whedon, and Star Wars.
We believe in working with experts in their fields.
We believe in doing our job so you can do yours.
We believe you should have to understand only enough technical details to make an informed decision – not so much you could have done it yourself.
We believe in mutually beneficial partnership.
We believe in being debt-free.
We believe in WordPress.